Jason Greendyk

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Spanish Fine

It was like a distant memory
Of a nondescript but familiar moment
A routine that played out day in and day out
Now, but not so many years ago
Where the uncanny familiarity resided
A feeling that...
Not only this moment has occurred before
But that it is the only true moment
All else a fantasy while you rest perpetual
In a meaningless draft of your existence
This sheet the limit of your horizon
Like gazing up through trees
In the darkest reaches of the black forest
The dim light of the starlit sky
A shining beacon of hope
In the one long night of life
Your deepest joy the music in your soul
Triggered by a Spanish fine
Tears held behind the pace of your step
Spinning through the pure weight
Resting on your heart
Shivers through your arrested life
In transit
Your silence that was your freedom
Now a foreign entity
That watched you dance
The longing of your daily step
To be free
From the quieting pulse of the mundane
Now scream color into the white noise
That was the music playing through your head
While you sat in silence
While you dreamt up something insane
That became a fire in your step
To keep the embers ablaze
Until the rain or time moving on snuffs you out
Tango de la materia
Déjà vu au courrant